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Böhmer, Justus Henning (* 1674.01.19 † 1749.08.29)
Böhmer, Justus Henning (* 1674.01.19 † 1749.08.29)

Böhmer, Justus Henning (* 1674.01.19 † 1749.08.29)

Basic Overview Data

1674.01.19, Hannover
1749.08.29, Halle
Institutional Affiliation
University of Halle
Keyword Filters
Important Family Relations:
Father, Valentin Böhmer (1634 - 1704), Lawyer and imperial notary in Hannover


Not yet written – Wish to contribute?

Comment on main natural law works:

Not yet written – Wish to contribute?

Comment on profile’s conception of natural law:

Not yet written – Wish to contribute?

Academic Data


../1693, Schooling, Hannover Stadtschule
1693.05.20 - 1695, Philosophy and jurisprudence, University of Jena[Johann Christoph Hartung, Carl Heinrich Flörcke, Johann Bernhard Friese, Johann Christian Schröter, Christian Wildvogel, Nikolaus Christoph Lyncker, Georg Schubart]
1697, University of Rinteln
1697.05 - 1698, University of Halle[Christian Thomasius, Samuel Stryk]


1698, Licentiate of law, University of Halle
1702.08.11, Doctor of law, University of Halle

Professional Data


1695 - 1697, Lawyer
1695 - 1697, Lawyer
1697, Hofmeister (private teacher) (Travelled to University of Rinteln and University of Halle)
1697, Hofmeister (private teacher) (Travelled to University of Rinteln and University of Halle)
1699 - 1701, Docentus of law, University of Halle, Faculty of Law
1699 - 1701, Docentus of law, University of Halle, Faculty of Law
1701.07.27 - 1711, Extraordinary professor of law, University of Halle, Faculty of Law
1701.07.27 - 1711, Extraordinary professor of law, University of Halle, Faculty of Law
1704.12.09 - 1711, Adjunctus of law, University of Halle, Faculty of Law (For Samuel Stryk)
1704.12.09 - 1711, Adjunctus of law, University of Halle, Faculty of Law (For Samuel Stryk)
1711.05.29 - 1749, Ordinary professor of Lehnrechts (feudal law), and Institutes, University of Halle, Faculty of Law
1731 - 1743, Director, University of Halle
1711.05.29 - 1749, Ordinary professor of Lehnrechts (feudal law), and Institutes, University of Halle, Faculty of Law
1743 - 1749, Regierungskanzler (Chancellor), Duchy of Magdeburg
1731 - 1743, Director, University of Halle
1743 - 1749, Regierungskanzler (Chancellor), Duchy of Magdeburg

Titles, Memberships and Other Relevant Roles

1715, Hofpfalzgraf (Imperial count palatine), Imperial Court
1715, Hofrat (Court councillor), Imperial Court
1719, Geheimrat (Privy councillor), Royal Court of Prussia
1731, Hofrat (Court councillor), Royal Court of Prussia

Printed Sources


Introductio in ius publicum universale, ex genvinis iuris naturae principiis deductvm: et in usum iuris publici particularis quarumcunque rerumpublicarum adornatum; adiecto indice duplici (Halle: Orphanotropheos, 1710).
   - Edition 1726 (Halle: Orphanotropheos): Digital version
   - Edition 1755 (Halle: Orphanotropheos)
   - Edition 1763 (Prague; Venice: Pantaglionus)
   - Edition 1773 (Halle: Waisenhaus)

Manuscript Sources

Direct Personal Connections:

1697, Christian Thomasius, Halle [Attended lectures by Christian Thomasius]
1697, Samuel Stryk, Halle [Attended lectures by Samuel Stryk]
Mikkel Munthe Jensen, Last Update:  24.04.2024